2024 Recruitment Team
Our Advice to Potential New Members
"My biggest piece of advice for any potential new member is to always stay true to yourself! Rush can be overwhelming since it’s a new experience you’ve never been through before. So staying true to yourself whether it be in what you wear or what your values are, will ensure that when it comes time to choose your new home, you’ll choose the sisterhood that resembles what you find most important! "
Natalie Welch
"Take the time to get to know the girls in your Rho Chi group! It is so nice to have someone to talk to during recruitment who is probably feeling the exact same way you are. You never know, you might even end up running home together on bid day!!"
Sarah Barron
"My biggest piece of advice is to trust the process! Going through rush can be so overwhelming and you may not know what to expect, but go in with an open mind! The process always works out in the end and you’ll find your forever home!"
Lily Donaldson